Field Care

Keeping the cape clean is just as important as keeping the meat clean. Bacteria and Blood will spoil the cape quickly. Please make sure you keep it clean and dry. Salt is your friend! Use salt to prevent bacteria growth.

Do bring a small cheap tarp to roll the animal onto in the field to keep the cape and meat clean while field-dressing. Customers that do that bring much cleaner capes.

-If at all possible keep the meat and the cape at or below 40F. 40F doesn’t kill the bacteria however, it will slow it down.

Do not Drag your animal! Doing so will result in fur damage.

Do not use a rope around the neck area. It will damage the cape.

Do not store the cape in water. Keep it dry and clean. If you do not have Ice, USE SALT.

You have around 2 hours to skin your animal in order to insure a good cape.

Small animals such as a Fox or squirrel you can place inside a bag and freeze right away. Bring in the entire animal uncut, in a black plastic bag.

Fish need to be wrapped in a wet towel and placed inside a plastic bag. Fish are the only taxidermied item that should be stored wet and frozen, all other animals should be dry and clean.